Posts tagged ‘intermediate’

Week 14 (Day 03): Valentine’s Day Wreath

Origami Valentine's Day WreathWreaths are great for any occasion and are a sure addition for Valentine’s Day. I found quite a few origami heart wreaths for Valentine’s day and actually thought that I could have a week of heart wreaths! Maybe I will do it next year 🙂

For now, here is a very pretty and elegant wreath, made from 8 heart units. Red and white hearts would look great, I admit, but I wanted to try out another combination. I think this orange and yellow combination looks great too.

The units are not very difficult to make. The are joined together with glue. But looking at how pretty the wreath is, even origami purists would be tempted to give it a go I think!

Origami Wreath UnitsOrigami Details

Model: Valentine’s Day Wreath

Creator: Ayako Kawate

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Tutorial Link: Youtube

No of Modules: 8

Paper Size: 3 inch squares

Origami Heart Wreath in Hearts

8 Pointed Star

Origami 8 Pointed Star - Gold

The 8 Pointed Star will be a sure addition to my Christmas tree! The star is made from a single square of paper and isn’t very difficult to make.

I tried making the star using thin gold paper and thicker wrapper paper. In both cases, the star turned out quite well.

Origami Details:

Model: 8 Pointed Star

Creator: John Montroll

Book: Christmas Origami

Author: John Montroll

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Paper Size: 6 – 7 inches square

Origami 8 Pointed Star

Star of Bethlehem

Origami Star of Bethlehem

The Star of Bethlehem was the first origami that I tried from the book ‘Christmas Origami‘. The book is authored by John Montroll and has quite a collection of origami for Christmas, all of them made from a single sheet of paper.

The Star of Bethlehem was not very difficult to make, though I am not sure of how to make the arms stand right, without glueing the corners. I am making the 8-pointed star next and hope that it will come out better than this one did.

Origami Details:

Model: Star of Bethlehem

Creator: John Montroll

Book: Christmas Origami

Author: John Montroll

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Paper Size: 6 inches square

Little Roses Kusudama

Origami Little Roses Kusudama

The little roses kusudama is a modular origami from 30 units, designed by Maria Sinayskaya.  I have been trying to complete this for quite some time now and finally did complete it.

There are quite a few variations of this kusudama. What I have done is the first of these kusudamas. The modules are quite simple to make. Assembly is like a 30-unit sonobe.

Origami Details:

Model: Little Roses Kusudama

Creator: Maria Sinayskaya

Website: Go Origami!

Instructions Link: Go Origami!

Tutorial Link: Youtube

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Number of modules: 30

Paper Ratio: 1:2

Paper Size: 1.5 inches by 3 inches

Septima Star

Origami Septima Star - 6 modules

The Septima Star is designed by Lukasheva Ekaterina. The star can be made from 5, 6, 7 or 8 units. Depending on the number of units, the star either lies flat or has a 3D structure.

The star looks best when made from 6 units, if the idea is to hang it from a tree. But I think the flaps will have to be glued down, as they tend to pop out. The 8 module one lies flat and should look great if taped to a wall. Foil paper or gold/silver paper would add a lot more cheer to the star!

Origami Details:

Model: Septima Star

Creator: Lukasheva Ekaterina

Website: Kusudama Me!

Instructions Link: Kusudama Me!

Tutorial Link: Youtube

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Number of modules: 5 to 8

Paper Size: 3 inch squares

Origami Septima Star - 8 modules